SAN MARINO: Most Honored | TIME


June 13, 1938 12:00 AM GMT-4

For the earth’s smallest Republic, Dictator Benito Mussolini has usually had indulgent smiles. Respectful of San Marino’s independence, II Duce has nevertheless insisted that the 32-square-mile midget nation, perched on a mountain top in northeastern Italy, should not be a refuge for Fascism’s enemies. A few years ago, Benito the Builder obliged the Republic with a new winding electric railroad from Rimini to San Marino and a new boulevard down the middle of the nation to San Marino.

While preserving its democratic customs, in 1932 San Marino gave its Fascist Party a majority of seats in the Grand Council (unicameral legislature). Last week another election gave the Fascists every one of the Council’s 60 seats. Future business on the Council’s agenda for October 1 will be to elect two Captains Regent for six-month terms. Both wear special uniforms and sit side by side on a double throne to denote equal authority.

Shortly before San Marino’s 13,948 inhabitants elected a 100% Fascist Council, their Government had made a democratic gesture. The Republic issued a three-lire and a five-lire Abraham Lincoln postage stamp. Below democratic “Honest Abe’s” profile was reproduced a part of a letter he sent to San Marino in 1861: “Although your dominion is small your state is nevertheless one of the most honored in all history.” President Lincoln thereafter became Honorary Citizen No. 1 of San Marino.
