GERMANY: Natural, Healthy Instincts'' | TIME


February 22, 1937 12:00 AM GMT-5

“Natural, Healthy Instincts”

Grimmest problem of many a German mother & father today is how to keep their teen-age son or daughter out of one of the Hitler camps for young people. These provide good wholesome food, exercise which varies from dancing on the greensward to building roads, and periods of recreation after hours during which a surprising number of children are conceived. Nazi officials mostly figure that the important thing for soldier-seeking Germany is more and healthier births, to the exclusion of bothering about a dowry, a church wedding or even a civil marriage. This view was made official at Berlin last week as 20,000 members of the German Many Children League harkened to Dr. Robert Ley, führer of the Nazi Labor Front.

“We used to have a habit of looking down on illegitimate children,” cried Nazi Ley. “It was an old-fashioned prejudice that has today become an absurdity. We must grant the unmarried mother, who bears a child as a result of natural healthy instincts, the same respect and the same protection as we grant married mothers.”
