Cat Cafs - Live & Study

21. 1. 2024 | Student Life

Cat cafe in the Czech RepublicIf you’re looking for a perfect place to study or to meet with friends, you can go to a cat café. Cat cafés are very popular in the Czech Republic. No wonder, cats and coffee go well together. Who wouldn’t like the idea of enjoying a cup of a nice cappuccino and having a purring furball beside them?

Inside a cat café, there is a unique atmosphere. There are cat-themed decorations all over the place. Everything caters to the tastes of both cat lovers and cats themselves. Cat cafés are filled with cushions, toys, scratching posts, and little huts, where the cats can hide whenever they feel like it. Then the cats can get a good nap and recharge their batteries. This way they can pass on their energy to the customers.

The cats move around freely. Sometimes they walk on tables. They might even take a sip of your water. Although cats are mischievous by nature, they are so adorable that everyone will forgive them. Cats are fascinating animals. They move gracefully, they have their distinct personalities, and they are fun to watch. You can experience great moments at such a café. You never know what the cats are going to do. Just watching them is highly amusing. Even when the cats are not active, it’s difficult to take your eyes off them.

When visiting a cat café, you have to follow certain rules. E. g. you have to be careful when you enter the café. People go inside one by one to prevent the cats from escaping and getting into trouble. The cats are well taken care of. There are strict rules the café owners have to respect, concerning the well-being of both cats and customers. Of course, the customers have to be kind to the cats and respect their privacy. No pulling at their whiskers or tails!

Each cat has a story behind them. You can learn the cats‘ names. If you ask the staff about a certain cat, they will be happy to give you some further information about the cat’s character, behavior, popular activities, and specific traits. Cat cafés help rescue cats. The cat inhabitants of the cafés are used to people. They appreciate gentle cuddling with plenty of ear scratches.

Cat cafés are a great option to choose. People are expected to spend there more time and enjoy not only the delicious coffee but also the interaction with cats. Visiting a cat café is something like entering a relaxing zone. You are accompanied by lovely cats while enjoying your coffee. It’s very soothing to pet a cat on your lap. It helps people to feel safe and to forget about their worries.

When you want to visit a cat café in Czechia, look for kočičí kavárna. This is the expression for a cat café in Czech. Kavárna means a café. It’s a very important word. The Czech word for cat is kočka. If you decide to study in the Czech Republic, maybe you will do a lot of schoolwork and exam revision in one of Czechia’s cat cafés, having feline companions by your side.
